The Fair Plastic Alliance has developed an open source application for the purpose of tracing and streamlining transfers of plastic waste between collectors, riders, depots and hubs. By this means we can keep trace in real time of progress achieved by each project partner at environmental, economic and social level. Reports are generated on a periodic basis for the assessment of key performance indicators, such as tons of CO2 saved and landfill square meter reduction..

Project partners undergo periodic guidance from specialized Fair Plastic members, with the purpose of assessing compliance to shared principles and operational standards, improving their management practices, operational efficiency and social impact generated by waste collection activities.

The environmental benefits brought about Fair Plastic projects are measured on the basis of an assessment study of the energy and environmental impact generated by the production of post-consumer plastic through the mechanical recycling process. The impact of our projects is always compared to the impacts generated by traditional production methods applied to an equivalent volume of single-use plastic.

Fair Plastic industrial recycling activities are social enterprises where profits are reinvested into the development of the business itself and in the uplifting of underprivileged collectors. Active engagement of waste collectors’ organizations is encouraged on a broad scale, from day-to-day operational management up to the shareholding of the industrial facilities.

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JUGARD srl Societa Benefit

Via Comente 15 24058 Seriate, Bergamo – C/FP.IVA 04265000168